Eynot Yarden School

MS EY1Basics: In January 2014, WRAP undertook its fifth project: a rain barrel harvesting system expansion at the Eynot Yarden school in northern Israel. Eynot Yarden, is a middle school serving 430 Jewish boys and girls located in a kibbutz in Eynot Yarden of the Galil Elion region, population 20,000.

Details: At Eynot Yarden, harvested rainwater is used for a variety of purposes including aquaculture and hydroponics. WRAP expanded the school’s rainwater harvesting system to now provide rainwater for toilet flushing and meet the school’s additional demands for agricultural research.

MS EY5Results: The project is helping to provide a framework for students from Bedouin and Jewish populations to meet and better understand one another’s culture heritage. A local educator working with WRAP has held several educational cultural exchange activities with students from the Tuba Zangaria partner school around concepts of rainwater harvesting and environmental science.

How it’s possible: WRAP financed the entirety of system construction and maintenance through its member contributions and donations. Partners in the area and in the school will continue implementing the environmental education program.

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